
Usually after finishing the show, tidying away the administration at the office, there is this feeling of out with the old, in with the new. To make a fresh start for the next show. This time however, perhaps a reverse of that proverb applies better. Because the theme for OEQC 2014 is Old Masters.

What do you think; would Michelangelo have known he would inspire every artist and countless advertisements when he put the finishing touches on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? Or would Leonardo da Vinci have realized that he would plant the seed for so much of modern science? And what beautiful stories are built on ‘the girl with the pearl earring’ by Johannes Vermeer in which he creates this magical play of light with just a few brushstrokes.

This is your chance to show what you find intruiging about these and other classic masterpieces in your own way.

The deadline for entering the competition is May 10, 2014.

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